Graduated from the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Faculty of Political Science, with specialization in International Politics and European Integration, and completed a postgraduate program in Human Resource Management. Is finishing her studies in Psychology in Business at the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Has been working in the training and consulting area for more than a decade. Has gained her experience among others as Trainer, Training Department Manager, and ESF Project Manager while obtaining funding for development projects. Joined the House of Skills team in 2008.
Loves moving and being active. Spends her leisure time hiking in the mountains, playing beach volleyball, badminton and dancing. Fascinated by interpersonal relationships and the group process, which was reflected in her Master’s thesis and her research. Likes working with bold and imaginative people who are oriented towards others.
Specialization areas:
- appraisal and development system design and implementation
- competency potential diagnosis (using psychometric tools)
- career counseling
- talent development processes
- mentoring
- recruitment, and appraisal conversations
- individual and team effectiveness (effective communication and cooperation, relationship building, team building)
- managerial skills