In our offer since: 2004Specialization: Global leader in the field of leadership development.
Flagship product: The SLII Experience™ – a development process based on the world’s most popular model of practical leadership, developed by Ken Blanchard (world-renowned authority in the field of management, co-author of the book “One-Minute Manager”). Until now, more than one million managers around the world have participated in the SL II® training.
Mojo Moments®
In our offer since: 2022Specialization: Leadership Development | Empirically sound learning solutions which equip leaders to improve engagement, results, and thriving
Flagship product: “Mastering Motivation with Others” and “Mastering Your Motication”. Check the offer >>
In our offer since: 1999Specialization: Comprehensive educational solutions, implemented with the use of modern technologies
The flagship product: constantly expanded and refreshed library of training, e-learning pills and micropills, including from the areas of leadership and management as well as legal regulations (about 650 titles), as well as modern training platforms, provided to clients in flexible usage models.
Hofstede Insights
In our offer since: 1996Specialization: World leader in organiztional culture and intercultural management
Flagship product: Solutions using the Hofstede ModelTM – tools and processes of analysis and change of organiztional culture of a company or a team
Workshops in the field of intercultural efficiency management based on a six-dimensional model of national culture (6D Model), developed by prof. Geert Hofstede.
Fierce, Inc
In our offer since: 2011Specialization: Engaging people and organizations in the dialogue which brings results – soft aspects of leadership and management.
Flagship product: Fierce Conversations® – Courageous Conversations – workshop – based on the concept described in the best-selling book by Susan Scott entitled “Fierce Conversations: Achieving Success at Work and in Life One Conversation at a Time“, according to which every conversation is a unique opportunity to achieve results.
In our offer since: 1990Specialization: World leader in educational business simulation.
Flagship product:
Celemi EnterpriseTM – strategic management and systemic approach to the functioning of a company,
Celemi Apples & OrangesTM – the logic of business (finance for non-financiers in practice).
Teatr Praktyczny (Practical Theatre)
In our offer since: 2016Specialization: theatre and drama techniques in social and business projects
Flagship product: Manager in action – workshop based on the interactive show “The company”, the method of work based on theatre and education, enabling participants to verify their own managerial skills in practice.
Asociación Smilemundo
In our offer since: 2016Specialization: Creative tools and experience in the field of social innovation: games, workshops, e-training, Internet platforms.
Flagship product: Smile UrboTM simulation – interactive role-playing game that allows you to experience how good communication and focus on partner cooperation maximise the individual benefits of the team.
Game Tools
In our offer since: 2013Specialization: Systems and tools for diagnosis at the level of units, teams, and entire organizations, helping customers make better managerial decisions.
Flagship product: Change NavigatorTM – simulations allowing to experience complex project of change management. Combines theoretical basis with own experience of participants. Can be used as an educational tool, as well as part of the process in a specific change project.
Extended Tools
In our offer since: 2004Specialization: Systems and tools for diagnosis at the level of units, teams, and entire organiztions, helping customers make better managerial decisions.
Flagship product: Extended DISC® Personal Analysis – self-assessment questionnaire, diagnosing preferred behavioural styles of a given person allowing to better understand own actions and their consequences.
In our offer since: 2011Specialization: Methodology and consulting tools supporting the development of the organiztion by diagnosing areas requiring support or development and elimination of ineffective processes.
Flagship product: Task NavigatorTM, Competence NavigatorTM, Star TracksTM, SynergiaTM, Delight IndexTM .